Ask Me Anything

Happy Tuesday Friends! Over the last few weeks we have covered a lot of Dino-related info, from the T-Rex to the Pachycephalosaurus. I appreciate the interest you all have shown in the world of dinosaurs!

Many of you have have left thought provoking and intriguing comments and I have enjoyed reading and responding to all of them. Because of this, I thought we should have an experiment this week.

For the next week, feel free to ask me about anything, or respond to other threads or messages. The hope is that we can have fun and share interesting facts about dinosaurs!

If this goes well, maybe we have more group discussions like this in the future 🙂

Thank you all for taking the time to read my little blog. Enjoy the rest of your week and don’t forget to comment below!

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4 responses to “Ask Me Anything”

  1. jcpunk Avatar

    What is your favorite dinosaur from each geologic period?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet Riehecky Avatar

      Triassic Period: Coelophysis– I have a lifesize figure of one in my living room.
      Jurassic Period: Apatosaurus — I have 5′ 7″ femur from one in my living room, a gift from my husband
      Cretaceous Period: Triceratops — All I have from it is a horn from its brow, but I’ve always like it best.


  2. hungerwinter Avatar

    If you were being hunted by a dinosaur (pick any meat eater) how would you use your knowledge of dinosaurs to evade the predator and possibly even knock it in the noggin?

    If you could have a dinosaur as a pet, which one would you choose and why?

    Does it bother you when someone accuses another person of being out of date and says, “You are such a dinosaur”? Is that kind of a slam on dinosaurs?

    You needn’t reply to all my questions. Pick the one(s) you like.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet Riehecky Avatar

      Thanks for your questions!
      To avoid T-rex, the last thing you want to do is stand still. If you’re a good runner, you can out-distance it. It takes very large steps, but it was probably too heavy to run for an extended period of time.
      I would like a Triceratops. They’ve always been my favorite.
      Telling someone they’re a dinosaur is actually a compliment and not just because they’re awesome. They managed to live on Earth for 120 million years — not bad survival skills. People wouldn’t have managed any better in the face of that asteroid.

      Liked by 1 person

4 thoughts on “Ask Me Anything”

    1. Triassic Period: Coelophysis– I have a lifesize figure of one in my living room.
      Jurassic Period: Apatosaurus — I have 5′ 7″ femur from one in my living room, a gift from my husband
      Cretaceous Period: Triceratops — All I have from it is a horn from its brow, but I’ve always like it best.


  1. If you were being hunted by a dinosaur (pick any meat eater) how would you use your knowledge of dinosaurs to evade the predator and possibly even knock it in the noggin?

    If you could have a dinosaur as a pet, which one would you choose and why?

    Does it bother you when someone accuses another person of being out of date and says, “You are such a dinosaur”? Is that kind of a slam on dinosaurs?

    You needn’t reply to all my questions. Pick the one(s) you like.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your questions!
      To avoid T-rex, the last thing you want to do is stand still. If you’re a good runner, you can out-distance it. It takes very large steps, but it was probably too heavy to run for an extended period of time.
      I would like a Triceratops. They’ve always been my favorite.
      Telling someone they’re a dinosaur is actually a compliment and not just because they’re awesome. They managed to live on Earth for 120 million years — not bad survival skills. People wouldn’t have managed any better in the face of that asteroid.

      Liked by 1 person

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